Ode To Joy Flashmob Proves Music Is A True Magical Force


On May 19 2012, Banco Sabadell of Sabadell, Spain, in the Plaça de Sant Roc assembled 100 musicians and singers from the Orchestra Simfonica del Valles, Amics de l’Opera de Sabadell, Coral Belles Arts, and Cor Lieder Camera to perform Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” from his Ninth Symphony. They set this up as a celebration of their 130th anniversary.

This is so beautifully done from start to finish, the photography, the performance, and of course the music. I challenge anybody to watch this video all the way through and not get tears in their eyes. It’s the type of thing that makes you wonder how the world has gone so wrong in so many ways, yet reassures you that it’s not all bad. It seems like music can be this great equalizer, unifier and healer. Please watch this video and share it with anyone whose day you would like to make.

© Hyper Viral TV 2017